We lead the community by connecting and collaborating to strengthen the continuum of services that address the challenges of homelessness, from street outreach to long-term housing.
Get Involved
Interested in volunteering with One Roof for one of our events: Point In Time or Cardboard Connect? Do you have a special project or would like to host a donation drive?
Have you considered how a monthly donation could help provide services and support to those in need? Did you know that you can help provide essential resources to persons living outdoors?
Want to learn more about the issues surrounding homelessness? Would you like to know more about state and national policies that affect the people we serve?
At One Roof, we know you want to establish a stable foundation from which to thrive whether you are an agency within the continuum or an individual currently experiencing homelessness. To do that, you need to connect with the people and agencies within the homeless response system.
Navigating that system can be frustrating, unsupportive and isolating, we believe you deserve consistency, transparency and guidance throughout the process. And we also understand that resources are limited which means their impact is too.
One Roof commits to leading a collaborative effort to those in our community who need or provide help on the journey from street outreach to long-term housing.