One Roof’s Coordinated Entry Street Outreach Team’s mission is to identify, engage, and assist the most vulnerable unsheltered clients in gaining stable, safe, and affordable housing; collaborate with partner agencies to build Continuum of Care capacity; and advocate for just economic, social, and health policies that affect our clients’ ability to thrive and live within dignity.
The Street Outreach Team is a group comprised of three Street Outreach Specialists and a Street Outreach Coordinator. Each Street Outreach Specialist will identify and build rapport with homeless individuals and families living on the streets or in locations not meant for human habitation (e.g. street, car, park, abandoned building, under bridge, bus station, airport, or campground). Outreach performs targeted street outreach to specific populations including youth, families, Veterans, and chronically homeless.
The end goal of interacting with people experiencing unsheltered homelessness is to connect them as quickly as possible to partner agencies and resources that lead to permanent housing with the necessary supports needed to transition out of homelessness and remain stably housed. Housing-focused outreach fulfills the goals of traditional outreach through the provision of support for basic health and safety needs, but with a greater emphasis on the need to work with people experiencing unsheltered homelessness to develop and implement a housing plan.
The Street Outreach Team hosts regular collaboration meetings for outreach agencies to come together to form a stronger relationship between agencies working towards ending homelessness, share and explain new and existing resources with each other, and case conference street clients to better serve them and the community. The Outreach Collaboration Meeting meets monthly on every 3rd Thursday. For more information about the Collaboration Meeting or about One Roof's Street Outreach Team, please contact the Street Outreach Coordinator, Daniel Garrett at